Enjoy Zero Fees on USDT Withdrawals via Solana!

Take advantage of 1 month of zero gas fees when you withdraw USDT using the Solana Network. Hurry, promo lasts from August 5 to September 5, 2024 only!
Enjoy Zero Fees on USDT Withdrawals via Solana!

From August 5 to September 5, 2024, you can enjoy zero fees on USDT withdrawals when you use the Solana network. 

How to Withdraw USDT Fee-Free via Solana

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Open the App: Begin by launching the Coins.ph app on your device.
  2. Navigate to Your Portfolio: On the Portfolio screen, find and click the ‘Withdraw’ option.
  3. Select Tether USDT: Choose ‘Send Crypto’ and select ‘Tether USDT’ from the list.
  4. Send to External Wallet: Click ‘Send to external wallet’ and select ‘Solana’ as your network.
  5. Confirm Zero Gas Fee: You will see that the gas fee is automatically set to 0. It’s that simple!

Terms and Conditions

To ensure you enjoy this promo, please note the following:

  1. Promo Duration: The offer is valid from August 5 (8:00 AM Manila Time) to September 5 (11:59 PM Manila Time).
  2. Eligibility: Participation is open to individuals aged 18 or older and limited to users residing in the Philippines.
  3. Changes and Cancellations: Coins.ph reserves the right to cancel or amend the promotion and its rules at any time.
  4. Fraud Prevention: Users engaging in dishonest behaviors (e.g., wash trading, bulk registration of accounts) may be disqualified.
  5. Order Timing: Orders placed before the promo period but executed within it are not eligible for the zero fee.

Don't miss out on this limited-time offer to enjoy zero fees on USDT withdrawals via the Solana network. Follow the simple steps outlined above, and take advantage of the benefits that come with faster transactions and increased savings. 

Ready to withdraw your USDT fee-free? Download the Coins.ph app today and start enjoying the benefits of Solana’s speedy and cost-effective network! 

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