Web3 Wallet Service Update

Our Web3 wallet service will be phased out on November 30, 2024. Please withdraw all funds before this date to avoid service interruptions.
Web3 Wallet Service Update

After careful consideration, we have decided to phase out the Web3 wallet to focus on enhancing our core services. The Web3 wallet will no longer be available after November 30, 2024.

You will be able to access your Web3 wallet and its functionalities until November 30, 2024. After this date, the Web3 wallet will no longer be accessible, and all related functionalities will be disabled. 

Withdrawal of Funds

Please ensure you withdraw any remaining funds or assets from your Web3 wallet before November 30, 2024 to avoid any inconvenience. 

How to Withdraw Funds from Your Web3 Wallet:

  1. Navigate to your Web3 wallet in the app.
  2. Select the assets you wish to withdraw.
  3. Follow the steps to transfer the funds to your main Coins wallet or to an external platform.
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