Reserve your UMA with to unlock seamless global transfers will become the first platform in the Philippines to enable an easy way to send and receive funds using the Universal Money Address (UMA) standard.
Reserve your UMA with to unlock seamless global transfers

It’s just like an email address, but for money. Send and receive funds from anywhere in the world! will become the first platform in the Philippines to enable an easy way to send and receive funds using the Universal Money Address (UMA) standard.

UMA looks just like an email, but for money. It allows you to send and receive funds 24/7 in near real-time. Senders from anywhere in the world can send funds with just your UMA (e.g. $ and you’ll get it in BTC straight to your wallet.

Forget the hassle of complicated wallet addresses or lining up at remittance centers, when you sign up for a UMA!

With just a simple yet personalized email address, transfers will be credited to your wallet instantly.

How does UMA work?

UMA uses the Bitcoin Lightning Network for fast and efficient transfers. This allows funds to move in real-time and enables people to send any currency they choose, it’s all built into the UMA protocol.

All you need to do is:

  1. Reserve your UMA with (e.g. $
  2. Once approved, share your UMA with the person you want to receive funds from.
  3. After the funds are sent, you’ll get it in BTC on your wallet. That’s it!

How to Sign Up for UMA?

Be among the first in the Philippines to get your very own UMA!

To reserve your UMA, follow these simple steps:

  1. Visit this link.
  2. Provide the necessary info to complete the form
  3. Type the UMA you want reserved (e.g. $
  4. Submit your reservation request

After submission, you’re one step closer to your very own personalized UMA!

What are the perks of UMA?

1. Cheap

With UMA, money transfer friction is reduced with very competitive fees.


Move money with complete settlement in near real-time. Average Transaction Time is at 1.4 seconds.

3. Personalized Addresses

UMA is a human-readable address that is easy to remember and share. Plus it’s personalized to you! UMA replaces the complex account numbers and wallet addresses of today’s systems.

4. Interoperable

Any UMA from any wallet or exchange can transact with another UMA.

Be one of the first to have a UMA today!

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