Win $MCG Rewards by Trading on Coins Convert!

Trade $MCG on Coins Convert (Buy/Sell feature) and win $MCG back! A total of 500,000 $MCG (Php 182,000+) is up for grabs so don’t miss out!
Win $MCG Rewards by Trading on Coins Convert!

Looking to score $MCG rewards? Trade $MCG, Win $MCG is here where you can earn free $MCG tokens just by trading on Coins Convert (Buy/Sell feature). 

Here’s how you can join this exciting event and start trading today!

How to Win $MCG Rewards

Step 1: Trade $MCG on Coins Convert

To enter, simply use the Coins Convert feature to buy or sell $MCG tokens worth at least Php 1,000. This amount qualifies you for the rewards and sets you on your way to being one of the first 1,000 traders.

Learn How to Trade on Coins Convert

Step 2: Check Your Status on the Rewards Hub

You can monitor your participation and other promotions in real time on the Rewards Hub. Stay updated to ensure you complete the task on time!

Visit the Rewards Hub

Promo Rewards and Eligibility

  • Total Prize Pool: 500,000 $MCG
  • Individual Reward: 500 $MCG for each of the first 1,000 qualifying users.
  • Promo Period: July 15 to 31, 2024. Act fast to secure your rewards!

Terms and Conditions

  1. Program Eligibility: Open to users 18+ with Identity Verified accounts based in the Philippines.
  2. Transaction Requirements: Both buy and sell trades qualify if completed on Coins Convert.
  3. Reward Distribution: Rewards will be credited directly to your account and must be accepted as awarded.
  4. Dispute Resolution: reserves the right to resolve any disputes regarding the program at its discretion.
  5. Support: For inquiries, complete the Coins Support Form.
  6. Participation Agreement: By joining, participants agree to abide by the terms and conditions.
  7. Terms Changes: may modify program rules, eligibility, or rewards at any time.

Ready to Get Started? Trade $MCG Now on Coins Convert!

Don’t miss out on your chance to win—this offer is available only until July 31, 2024.

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