Join the PHPC Launchpool: Earn Rewards by Holding PHPC!

PHPC Launchpool has arrived! Simply hold PHPC, a Peso stablecoin backed 1:1, and earn free tokens.
Join the PHPC Launchpool: Earn Rewards by Holding PHPC!

Join the PHPC Launchpool to start earning rewards just by holding PHPC in your wallet! 

PHPC, a peso-backed stablecoin pegged 1:1 with the Philippine Peso, lets you access a tiered reward system where more PHPC means bigger rewards. No extra actions needed—just hold and earn!

Let’s dive into the mechanics and how you can start earning.

Mechanics of the PHPC Launchpool

1. Eligibility and Requirements

To join the PHPC Launchpool, you need:

  • A fully verified account
  • At least 1 PHPC held in your wallet during the snapshot dates announced for each prize pool

2. Snapshot Dates and Prize Pools

Each prize pool has a specified snapshot date, where your PHPC holdings are recorded. These dates will be announced throughout the promo period. By holding PHPC in your wallet during these snapshots, you automatically qualify for rewards based on your tier. 

Here’s a list of some past prize pools:

  • VENOM Prize Pool: 25,000 VENOM tokens - Snapshot Date: August 2, 2024
  • LAT Prize Pool: 350,000 LAT tokens - Snapshot Date: August 13, 2024
  • AIR Prize Pool: 45,000 AIR tokens - Snapshot Date: August 28, 2024
  • SUNDOG Prize Pool: 7,000 SUNDOG tokens - Snapshot Date: September 24, 2024

3. Reward Tiers and Allocation

The PHPC Launchpool has five tiers, each with different prize pool allocations. The more PHPC you hold, the higher your tier and the larger your potential share of the prize pool.

Rewards Tiers Holdings (PHPC) Prize Pool Allocation
Tier 1 1-10,000 5% of the pool
Tier 2 10,001-50,000 10% of the pool
Tier 3 50,001-100,000 20% of the pool
Tier 4 100,001-500,000 30% of the pool
Tier 5 500,001 and up 35% of the pool

4. Advancing Through Tiers

Increasing your PHPC holdings allows you to advance to higher reward tiers. The higher your tier, the larger portion of the prize pool you can access, enhancing your potential earnings.

Terms and Conditions

  1. Eligibility: Open to users 18+ with fully verified accounts.
  2. Reward Distribution: Winners announced within ten (10) working days post-snapshot. Rewards are distributed within fifteen (15) working days.
  3. Non-Transferable Rewards: Rewards are non-transferable and must be accepted as awarded.
  4. Program Flexibility: The program is extended beyond August 31, 2024. reserves the right to adjust program duration, terms, and conditions, as well as to amend eligible tokens.
  5. Privacy Compliance: Personal information collected from participants will be used in accordance with's privacy policy.
  6. Dispute Resolution: Any disputes regarding the PHPC Launchpool will be resolved at’s discretion.
  7. reserves the right to cancel or amend the mechanics at its sole discretion including which tokens will be eligible for the program and the percentage of rewards to be received.
  8. Contact: For inquiries, complete the Coins Support form here.
  9. By participating in this Program, participants agree to these Terms and Conditions.
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