Join the MBX Spot Trading Promo on and Win Exciting Rewards!

Be among the first 500 traders to spot trade Php 1,500 worth of $MBX or more on Coins and win 5 $MBX back. Promo runs from June 27 to July 12, 2024 only.
Join the MBX Spot Trading Promo on and Win Exciting Rewards! invites you to participate in its exclusive MBX Spot Trading Promo. Get a chance to win from a 2,500 $MBX prize pool, worth over Php 95,000!

Be among the first 500 traders to complete the required trade amount to secure your prize. Act fast—the promo runs only from June 27 to July 12, 2024.

How to Qualify for the MBX Spot Trading Promo

To participate, simply follow these steps:

  1. Trade $MBX Worth Php 1,500 or More: Complete a minimum of Php 1,500 in $MBX spot trades (either buy or sell).
  2. Be Among the First 500 Traders: Only the first 500 eligible traders will receive a reward, so start trading now to secure your spot!

This is your chance to gain 5 $MBX in rewards and join a community of active traders who value MBX.

Terms and Conditions

Before you start, here are some key points to keep in mind:

  • Eligibility: The promo is open to users based in the Philippines who are 18 years or older with an Identity Verified account.
  • Trade Count: Both buy and sell transactions contribute to your total spot trade amount for this promo.
  • Reward Distribution: Rewards will be credited directly to your account and are non-transferable.
  • Disputes: reserves the right to resolve any disputes regarding promo eligibility or reward distribution.

For any questions or assistance, you can reach at

Get Started Today!

Ready to start trading? Don’t miss out on your chance to win 5 $MBX and be part of the first 500 eligible traders. Trade $MBX on between June 27 and July 12, 2024, to secure your rewards.

Visit and start trading today!

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