Introducing the Coins Web3 Wallet

Create a Web3 Wallet with Coins today! Web3 wallets are decentralized wallets which means users have sole ownership and responsibility on their private keys, giving you full control of your funds.
Introducing the Coins Web3 Wallet

What is a Web3 Wallet?

Nowadays, a Web3 wallet is the general gateway to a world of Web3 functions, including Web3 games, Web3 swapping, direct on/off ramps and more! On top of these perks, Web3 wallets are decentralized wallets which means users have sole ownership and responsibility on their private keys, giving them full control of their funds.

With Coins, our Web3 Wallet is specifically a MPC (Multi Party Computation) wallet that use advanced cryptographic techniques to ensure that the private key is never exposed or stored in one location, adding an extra layer of security, users have access to Web3 wallet benefits and others such as:

  1. Users can reset their MPC wallet passcode and not lose access to all their existing assets
  2. Users would need to set a 8 character alpha-numeric passcode with a special character for added security layer.

How to create a Web3 Wallet?

Our Web3 Wallet is available to all users. If you have a account, then follow the steps below to activate your wallet today:

If you don’t have a Coins Account yet, sign up to get access to our Web3 Wallet.

How to upgrade my existing wallet?

If you have already created a Coins Web3 wallet with a 6 digit pin, you will be prompted to upgrade to an MPC wallet to enjoy all the benefits of a more secure wallet solution.

All you need to do is create a new 8 character alphanumeric passcode and you are all set.

What are the use cases of Web3 Wallet?

  1. Send and Receive - Send and Receive from your Coins Wallet to your Web3 Wallet instantly. For more info on how to use your Web3 Wallet, click here.
  2. Play with Coins Arcade - Store hard earned game tokens from Coins Arcade with your Web3 Wallet in a seamless fashion. Play-to-earn with Coins Arcade today when you play Metaderby and SinSing in the Coins App. Learn more here.
  3. Future uses - Access to Web3 swapping, buying and selling of web3 tokens using PHP.

If you don’t have a Coins Account yet, sign up now and get access to all the perks of our Web3 Wallet.

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