USDT HODL & Earn: Maximize Your Earnings with!

Grow your USDT with 5% p.a. rewards on Coins! Join our HODL & Earn Program and receive weekly rewards.
USDT HODL & Earn: Maximize Your Earnings with!

Are you looking for a way to earn rewards on your cryptocurrency?’s USDT HODL & Earn Program offers a chance to grow your holdings by simply holding USDT in your account.

Learn more about this rewarding program, how it works, and how you can benefit from holding USDT in your wallet until September 1, 2024.

How Does the USDT HODL & Earn Program Work?

  1. Buy and HODL: Buy and Hold a minimum of 20 USDT in your wallet for at least one week.
  2. Weekly Reward Calculation: Rewards are calculated based on your minimum holding balance from Monday to Sunday.
  3. Weekly Payouts: Earned USDT rewards are credited directly to your wallet the following week.

This structure allows you to grow your USDT holdings passively, while enjoying the freedom to add to or withdraw your holdings as needed.

Terms and Conditions

  1. Eligibility: Open to all users holding a minimum of 20 USDT each week.
  2. Reward Rate: Rewards are calculated at 5% per annum.
  3. Maximum Holdings for Reward Calculation: Rewards apply to holdings of up to 10,000 USDT.
  4. Program Modifications: reserves the right to adjust the reward rate, program duration, and eligible tokens at its discretion.
  5. Prohibited Activity: Users engaged in fraudulent activities (e.g., wash trading, bulk registered accounts, market manipulation) will be disqualified.

What are you waiting for? Deposit or buy USDT on today to start earning!

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