Enjoy Zero Fees on LAT Withdrawals!

Enjoy zero fees on LAT withdrawals for the whole month of December! 
Enjoy Zero Fees on LAT Withdrawals!

Enjoy zero fees on LAT withdrawals for the whole month of December! 

How to Transfer LAT Fee-Free:

  1. Open the Coins.ph app and go to the Portfolio screen
  2. Tap "Withdraw"
  3. Choose "Send Crypto" and select "LAT"
  4. Click "Send to external wallet" and choose the network: "LAT”. The gas fee will be automatically set to 0.

Make all your LAT withdrawals on Coins.ph now and take advantage of a fee-free experience while it lasts.  

This promo runs from December 1 to December 31, 2024 only, don't miss out!

Terms and Conditions

1. Promo period is from December 1, 2024 (8:00 AM  Manila Time) to December 31, 2024 (11:59 PM Manila Time).
2. All identity verified users on Coins.ph will enjoy zero withdrawal fees on LAT via LAT Network.
3. Open to individuals aged 18 or older. Participation is limited to users residing in the Philippines.
4. Coins reserves the right to cancel or amend the Activity or Activity Rules at its sole discretion. In the event where users are uncertain if they qualify for the fee promotion, please complete the Coins Support Form here.
5. Coins.ph reserves the rights to disqualify and exclude users who are involved in any dishonest or fraudulent behaviors (i.e wash trading, illegally bulk registered accounts, market manipulation).

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