Speaks at the Department of Migrant Workers (DMW) Digitalization Forum, Highlights Cost-Effective, Fast Remittances through Web3

Learn how highlights cost-effective, fast remittances through Web3 during the Department of Migrant Workers (DMW) Philippine Consultation on Digitalization of Services: Innovation Forum on Pre-Employment, Protection and Reintegration Systems for Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) Speaks at the Department of Migrant Workers (DMW) Digitalization Forum, Highlights Cost-Effective, Fast Remittances through Web3

On December 13, 2023, was a resource speaker at the Department of Migrant Workers (DMW) Philippine Consultation on Digitalization of Services: Innovation Forum on Pre-Employment, Protection and Reintegration Systems for Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs). This event, convened by DMW with the support of the United Nations’ International Labour Organization (ILO), recognized the critical role of digitalization in supporting OFWs throughout each phase of their journey.

Shining a light on crypto's potential impact,'s Global Marketing Director Kat Gonzalez highlighted how web3 empowers OFWs with faster, cheaper, and safer remittances. She pointed out that traditional methods can take days and incur significant fees, a burden for Filipino families. Meanwhile, web3 enabled cross-border transfers are quicker and cheaper than traditional rails, solving various pain points in remittance flows, and significantly benefiting OFWs and their loved ones back home.

"We're passionate about empowering Filipinos by harnessing the benefits of blockchain technology and cryptocurrency for remittances," Gonzalez stated. “Through this, swifter and more economical transfers are now a reality. In mere seconds to minutes, funds traverse distances, remittances can be done 24/7, and fees are reduced to a fraction of what they used to be. This has on the ground impact as OFWs and their families have more funds in their pockets and more to spend on necessities.”

Committed to promoting financial education and inclusion among the Philippines’ OFW community, continues to collaborate with partners like the Department of Migrant Workers (DMW) to raise awareness about how innovative blockchain solutions can uplift the lives of Filipinos here and abroad.

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