Coins TradeDesk: Your Personalized, Secure and Seamless Over-The-Counter Trading Experience

Coins TradeDesk offers a personalized trading experience to you as it provides access to crypto markets, ensuring you make the most out of your crypto journey.
Coins TradeDesk: Your Personalized, Secure and Seamless Over-The-Counter Trading Experience

What is Coins TradeDesk?

Coins TradeDesk offers a personalized trading experience to you as it provides access to crypto markets, ensuring you make the most out of your crypto journey.

Who are eligible to join Coins TradeDesk?

Level 3 KYC users can use Coins TradeDesk to trade cryptocurrencies and foreign currencies (min. Trade amount of PHP 1M) at a competitive spread in just a few minutes.

Why join Coins TradeDesk?

  • Sign up and trade Virtual Assets seamlessly with a dedicated account manager in minutes, without the hassle of validation calls.
  • Trade crypto without the worry of market fluctuations. Enjoy competitive pricing across the tokens that we offer.
  • Feel safe and secure with each trade as is a fully licensed crypto platform in the Philippines with over 18 million users.

On top of these perks, refer a friend to Coins TradeDesk and to get up to 1 centavo per USD equivalent of your friends’ trade volume. Be sure to join Coins TradeDesk today!

Frequently Asked Questions:

How does Coins TradeDesk work?

Once you've successfully registered, our Coins TradeDesk team will reach out to you and create a group. In order to trade, you can instantly request for a quote through this channel, indicating the quantity, type of currency and transaction type (buy or sell).

Tradedesk is available for any trades that are PHP 1M or above. For trades with lower notional amounts we would refer users to access liquidity via Coins Pro or Coins Convert.

What are the supported pairs on Coins TradeDesk?

Coins TradeDesk supports both foreign currency trading and crypto trading.

Coins TradeDesk supports trading for all tokens listed on our Coins Pro, against either USD or PHP. Coins TradeDesk also supports foreign currencies including but not limited to USD, EUR, GBP, JPY, SGD, AUD and HKD.

For other tokens not available on Coins Pro, trading on such tokens via Coins TradeDesk would be based on an enquiry basis.

Where does Coins TradeDesk settle the trades made?

For fiat settlement, Coins TradeDes offers both bank-to-bank direct transfers & transfers via Coins wallet.

For crypto settlement, our Coins TradeDesk team can facilitate transfers to your external crypto wallet addresses for major digital assets.

For more information on Coins TradeDesk, submit a request form so our Coins TradeDesk team can reach out to you.

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