Enhance Your Daily Transactions with Coins QR and Earn Bitcoin Cashback!

Scan it, Pay it: Meet cashless payments with Coins! Earn free Bitcoin when you scan to pay at any QR Ph-supported merchants via your Coins.ph app.
Enhance Your Daily Transactions with Coins QR and Earn Bitcoin Cashback!

Coins.ph makes it easier than ever to go cashless with Coins QR. This innovative payment solution allows users to pay directly at QR Ph-supported merchants using the Coins.ph app. Not only does Coins QR streamline payments, but it also offers the chance to earn Bitcoin cashback on every transaction.

How Coins QR Simplifies Everyday Payments

Coins QR is a convenient way to pay for goods and services in the Philippines. By simply scanning the merchant's QR code using your Coins.ph app, you can complete transactions securely and quickly. This service is fully compliant with QR Ph, the Philippines' national QR code standard based on the EMV standard, ensuring a seamless and secure payment experience.

Participating in Davao’s Paleng-QR PH Program

Coins.ph is committed to advancing digital adoption and financial inclusion. As part of this mission, Coins QR is joining Davao's Paleng-QR PH initiative, aimed at accelerating the use of digital payments in public markets, sari-sari stores, and other small businesses. This partnership reflects Coins.ph's dedication to empowering local communities and driving the country towards a cashless future.

Earn Bitcoin Cashback with Coins QR

As an added incentive, Coins.ph users can earn Bitcoin cashback when they pay with Coins QR. This promotion, running until January 12, 2023, encourages users to experience the benefits of digital payments while earning rewards. It's a win-win for users who want to enjoy the convenience of cashless transactions and gain additional value from their everyday spending.

Step-by-Step Guide to Using Coins QR

Using Coins QR is easy:

  • Step 1: Open your Coins.ph app and select "QR Code" from the menu.
  • Step 2: Scan the merchant’s QR code.
  • Step 3: Enter the payment amount and confirm.

It's that simple! Coins QR makes it easy to go cashless and manage your transactions efficiently.

Promotion Details: Get ₱50 Bitcoin Cashback

New users of Coins.ph can earn ₱50 in Bitcoin when they make their first QR Ph payment using Coins. Here's how:

  • Sign up for a Coins.ph account with the code “coinsqrph”.
  • Complete Level 2 verification.
  • Make your first QR Ph payment with a minimum value of ₱100 in a single transaction.

This promotion is available from December 12, 2022, to January 12, 2023, and is open to all brand new Coins.ph users in the Philippines.

Terms and Conditions

  • The promotion is valid for new users who complete the specified tasks.
  • The reward will be distributed to winners' wallet addresses within 14 business days after their first valid payment via Coins QR.
  • Users must complete L2 verification and make a minimum single transaction of ₱100.
  • Transactions on Coins Pro are excluded.
  • Coins.ph reserves the right to disqualify users with fraudulent transactions.

Coins.ph is your gateway to a cashless world in the Philippines. With Coins QR, you can enjoy secure and convenient payments while earning Bitcoin cashback. Join the movement towards digital payments and financial freedom today!

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