helps bring awareness to autism through the COLOR ME BORED Art Event, alongside the crypto community, believes that we can make a positive impact on minorities who are in need of support and empower them to be the best versions of themselves. Read to learn more on how you can raise awareness for autism. helps bring awareness to autism through the COLOR ME BORED Art Event
Members of, BAYCkada, the Autism Society Philippines, and the autism community gathered for an evening of creativity and art.

Key Takeaways:

  • On April 22, 2023, partnered with BAYCkada, a group of Filipino NFT collectors of Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC) NFTs who are passionate about making a positive impact on the world, for the COLOR ME BORED art event.
  • The event was held to spread awareness for autism and provide a space safe for children to express their creativity through art.
  • Profit of the event will help support the Autism Society Philippines, a non-profit organization dedicated to educate and equip parents with the skills to confidently care for their neurodiverse children. is an advocate for autism awareness

Finished art made by kids who attended the COLOR ME BORED art event

The COLOR ME BORED art event was held last April 24, 2023 at Museo Pambata, a national non-profit organization that is committed to sustain the Philippines’ first children’s interactive interactive museum, where members of the autism community gathered for an evening of creativity and art.

During the event, kids were able to express their creativity by coloring the NFT pictures owned by the BAYCkada community.

All profit from the COLOR ME BORED art event will be donated to the Autism Society Philippines which will be used to support their advocacy of spreading awareness for autism, equipping parents with neurodiverse children the skills to properly take care of them. encourages you to support the cause

Abbie Elinon, Partnership Director, spends time with the kids during the COLOR ME BORED art event, alongside the crypto community, believes that we can make a positive impact on minorities who are in need of support and empower them to be the best versions of themselves.

If you are interested in helping the cause and supporting those within the spectrum, you may donate by sending ETH through: 0x9114E1a5fd4Fc8CF396f594239faeff30D8FA97a

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