Wild Forest Trade-to-Airdrop Winners Announcement – Congratulations!

Congratulations to the 12 winners of the Wild Forest Trade-to-Airdrop! Read to see if you won an Wild Forest NFT pack.
Wild Forest Trade-to-Airdrop Winners Announcement – Congratulations!

The Wild Forest Trade-to-Airdrop event has come to a close, and the winners have been selected! We're thrilled to announce the winners who will be receiving their prizes soon. 

Prize Distribution and Important Dates

The winners of the Wild Forest Trade-to-Airdrop will receive their prizes credited to their Ronin wallet addresses by May 28, 2024. Be sure to keep an eye on your wallet for these exciting rewards!

List of Winners

Winners of Premium Packs



Winners of Basic+ NFT Packs








Stay Updated on Ongoing Promos and Giveaways

Don’t forget to follow our social media pages and regularly visit the promos section of our blog to stay up-to-date on the latest giveaways and promotions from Coins.ph! We have more exciting events and opportunities lined up for you!

What is the Wild Forest Airdrop?

The Wild Forest airdrop is part of the exciting Airdrop Fiesta hosted by Coins.ph that allows users to participate by trading or interacting with certain assets. 

By completing the specified tasks or steps, users were eligible to receive rewards such as NFTs and crypto tokens directly into their wallets. 

Stay Tuned For More!

For those who didn’t win this time, stay tuned – there are plenty more airdrop events and promotions coming your way!

Remember, by staying active and participating in future events, you can increase your chances of winning in the next round of giveaways.

Keep an eye on our social media channels for updates, and don’t forget to check back regularly for new opportunities!

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